A while back ago, I posted a thread where I was attempting to build the Enterprise J in blender using only what reference photos that were available at the time. The project stalled when my schedule got busy with projects that came up. I decided awhile back ago that I was going to restart the project in hopes of having an improved version 2. I have made a bit of progress, but I am at that stage where I would like critique and hopefully some feedback on where to go with the model. I also made the decision to document this build on video which you can see on youtube here:
I will try to keep this explanation short, but I am using primarily two reference photos to build the ship. The first one is from the Ships of the Line calendar, and the second is a screen shot from the episode that the J appeared in. I do know that the bottom and back of the ship has been released and can be found online, but I have decided not to use those except for ideas because I believe those views contradict what was seen on the episode and therefore what is canon.
Here are some shots of the nacelles and a newer shot of the back of the ship. I have decided to do an under slung shuttle/docking bay so I removed the area where I was originally going to put it. I also changed the “hull plate” details on the pylons.
I am currently in the process of going through the model and fix some edge loops to make them cleaner. I hope to start really working on some of the details soon.
I started working on what I am calling the “Aft Observation Lounge”. It is an atrium type area that faces the rear of the ship. I am not sure if I want to go with vertical or horizontal windows.
I had a little set back because I found a problem with the Pylons; so I had to redo them. I did however get some work done on the front deflector dish:
Thanks Medal71, but it really isn’t an original design. The design is based on the Enterprise J that was featured in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode, Azati Prime. I was only using a single point of reference to make the ship. Recently I was pointed to other pictures of the ship that allowed me to see my progress and compare it to the actual model.
That just happens to be the way Doug Drexler designed it. However, given the size of the ship (nearly two miles) it would appear flatter than it really is. I also think Doug interpreted that the windows are more like sky lights rather than actual windowsl
Some update with this ship. I completely re-started the entire secondary hull and the new one is looking much better. I am still planning on bulking up the lower portion of the ship and keep the bottom of the saucer to look like what was seen on screen.
Part of the new addition is a auxillary deflector dish and underslung shuttle bays.
The deflector dish is going to be inspired from the Dauntless. I know it wasn’t a true federation vessel, but it did appear on screen as a Federation vessel in Azati Prime; and it looks like a new kind of technology to match the rest of the ship. The back hangar bay is actually three bays. There is a larger one that could hold a small vessel about the size of the Nova class; and two smaller bays for shuttles.