mylist = [('1', 'First Graph', 'The first item'),
('2', 'Second Curve', 'The second item'),
('3', 'Third Graph', 'The third item'),
('4', 'Fourth graph', 'The 4 item')]
menu1 = EnumProperty(items=mylist, name='Menu1')
I don’t know how to read from the rows in the enum list, but you you could make it refer back to the original list:
scene = bpy.context.scene
n = scene['menu1'] #the index of the menu choice
item1 = mylist[n][0] #would give you the first item in that row
item2 = mylist[n][1] #would give you the second item in that row
item3 = mylist[n][2] #would give you the third item in that row
but i would like to be able to load up this from an array
so anyway to laod one row at a time may be and how ?
don’t know like opposite of reading may be
iis that possible?
cause i need to make a menu which is function of another menu
so for each first menu item there will be a different second menu
sort of a dynamic menu function of the first menu items
hope it makes sense here!
otherwise i would have to define as many enumpropr for each first menu’s item
like the first opne has 7 different items
so i would have to define 7 different enumproperties for the second menu
and with a if loop select and assign the proper enumprop to the second menu