enum list how to work with theses?

exampel of enum list

menu1 = EnumProperty(items=(
(‘1’, ‘First Graph’, ‘The first item’),
(‘2’, ‘Second Curve’, ‘The second item’),
(‘3’, ‘Third Graph’, ‘The third item’),
(‘4’, ‘Fourth graph’, ‘The 4 item’)

is there a way to add each item otherwise then this?
i mean one element at a time for instance?

i like to transfert for instance from a list of items to this enumlist but now?

and ounce the enum list is done is there a way to read the different items on each row of the enum list ?


One way:

mylist = [('1', 'First Graph', 'The first item'),
('2', 'Second Curve', 'The second item'),
('3', 'Third Graph', 'The third item'),
('4', 'Fourth graph', 'The 4 item')]

menu1 = EnumProperty(items=mylist, name='Menu1')

I don’t know how to read from the rows in the enum list, but you you could make it refer back to the original list:

scene = bpy.context.scene
n = scene['menu1'] #the index of the menu choice
item1 = mylist[n][0] #would give you the first item in that row
item2 = mylist[n][1] #would give you the second item in that row
item3 = mylist[n][2] #would give you the third item in that row

Again, probably not the best way, but it works. :slight_smile:

ok for reading

but i would like to be able to load up this from an array
so anyway to laod one row at a time may be and how ?

don’t know like opposite of reading may be

iis that possible?

cause i need to make a menu which is function of another menu
so for each first menu item there will be a different second menu
sort of a dynamic menu function of the first menu items

hope it makes sense here!

otherwise i would have to define as many enumpropr for each first menu’s item
like the first opne has 7 different items
so i would have to define 7 different enumproperties for the second menu
and with a if loop select and assign the proper enumprop to the second menu

i hope there is a better way of doing this!

happy 2.5

i tried to add this to my little script and had to defined it at scene leve but get an error for defining the scene enumproper

menulist1 = [
(‘1’, ‘First Graph’, ‘The first item’),
(‘2’, ‘Second Curve’, ‘The second item’),
(‘3’, ‘Third Graph’, ‘The third item’),
(‘4’, ‘Fourth graph’, ‘The 4 item’)

iesmenu1 = bpy.types.Scene.EnumProperty(items=menulist1, name=‘Menu1’)

print (’ menu1 =’,menulist1 )

error is that it has not atribute enumproperty!

what’s wrong for defining this enum proper at scene level ?


another good question here

when do you use scene defined properties
and the operators ones
cause in my case the panel is using operator for the menu!

so how do you define a scene operator propertie enum?

i tried with
iesmenu1 = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=menulist1, name=‘Menu1’)

and seem to see it at main level but not going to the operator yet !

so i guess here u have to define theses enum as operator properties not as simple properties!
