how could you turn a scene, lets say interior, to render/bake it into an environment map
and use than the image instead of the geometry to render/illuminate your scene.
Similar to an HDRI file for image based lighting.
how could you turn a scene, lets say interior, to render/bake it into an environment map
and use than the image instead of the geometry to render/illuminate your scene.
Similar to an HDRI file for image based lighting.
Well I can think of a way to render an EnvMap out as a file. Which is to add a cube in the middle of your scene, unwrap it, give it a material with an EnvMap texture, then Render and then Render Bake the texture to the Cube. This will give you a baked cube map that contains the EnvMap images. However, I am not certain how to use a cube map for lighting to Blender.
maybe set the rendered box to emit and have the texture affect the emit colors?