Environmental Background and Rendering

I’ve got an environmental background used for lighting, but I also want to use it as a background image for rendering.

How do I get it to zoom in/out proportionately with the 3D objects in the foreground? Really appreciate any and all help!!!

This is tricky since IBL is made positional / static and will always reveal some imperfections in compositing with 3D (it’s usually intended for lighting the virtual scenes or observing a spherical view of environment from a specific point in space-time continuum). Why you need proper back plates.

But either way you can play on and fake until perfection - soul is satisfied :

  • add Texture Coordinates & Mapping nodes (ctrl+t if you use node wrangler)

  • add a plane (map generic or UV) or use Import-mage-as-plane, set emission shader (exclude from lighting the scene) & play