i have a litttle problem : when i try to import a file( 3ds or wings) into blender i get al sorts of errors (and then a message that says import failed), i also get this error when i start blender: " ‘import site’ failed; use -v fot traceback"
had the same problem, fixed by reinstaling python, with version 2.41 and it fixed the problem
after formating disks and instaling blender again had same problem but some 1 gave me a tip that this eeror does not accur with ver 2.4 so i dled it and im using it since without a hitch
so those are 2 things that u might consider to help you
" ‘import site’ failed; use -v fot traceback"
This is a WARNING. It means Blender could not find the version of Python it wanted on your machine. Ignore it if you are not using python scripts.
For the other errors, you need to actually read them since they will tell you what the problem is.
i’ve got it all i have to do is use.obj files instead of 3ds:)
ps thanks for the tips i.ll try to see if it works
Every time I try to import 3DS files I’m getting errors too. I am using python 2.4.3 and blender 2.4.1 I’m trying to import a file called gc01.3ds. This is there error the console gives me:
"Using Python version 2.4
Importing “C:\longpathname”
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “<string>”, line 646, in my_callback
File “<string>”, line 634, in load_3ds
File “<string>”, line 603, in process_main_chunk
File “<string>”, line 260, in process_object_block
File “<string>”, line 199, in getUniqueName
ValueError: object “gc01” not found"
Any thoughts?
Ok, I was searching around and found a solution elsewhere.
All you need to do is open up the “.blender/scripts/3ds_import.py” file
about line 203 you need to edit this:
except AttributeError:
should be
except ValueError:
After doing that it imports fine
This is apparantly because
" Object.Get() now throws ValueError instead of the rather incorrect AttributeError when it can not find an object by name."
So that should do it.