error on intvect properties?


for subtype in subtypes3:
bpy.types.Scene.IntVectorProperty( attr = ‘INTVECT’ + subtype, default = [0,0,0], subtype= subtype)
print (‘subtype=’,subtype )

tried this and always get error that it requires an integer?

can anybody point out what the error is here ?

i tried to follow the wiki apge but cannot get it to work
the other one for int works fine but not this one!

Thanks for any help

Congrats, you just found a bug.

Made a patch and put it on the tracker.


Oh, btw, if you do a svn up to get the bug fix (whenever it’s applied) the way properties work has been changed so it would now be; = bpy.props.IntVectorProperty(name='foo', subtype= 'COLOR', ...)

sorry for my English

but what do you mean by make a SVN up ?

so this was a bug !

and when can we expect the corrected built for this
estimation on how many days ?

you say that it has changed but will the wiki page be updated
cause i was following it for theses properties!

one thing for the wiki

it shows the vector list as ( ) in the first description but in the other list it is shown as []
so why is the difference ?

Thanks and happy 2.5