Erwin...please keep going!!

Hi All,
I hope that Erwin keeps going on the GE. It’s so encouraging to see the improvements coming fast and furious. I downloaded preview 14 and the runtime works fine now. I noticed that from preview 11 that the doppler shift on moving objects works properly for the first time in a long while. The “dithering” motion (not sure how to put it) when a moving object is viewed by a fixed camera, has also improved. When you test a game it still shows some flicker on the objects motion. The runtime works almost perfectly now, with just a sudden jerk every now and then. If you create a simple cube and move all the vertices away from the centre so that it can rotate around a point, and then view it with a fixed camera, then you will see the problem. If you set “enable all frames” the problem goes away, but this does not effect the runtime. It must be something to do with the frame timing. The older GE versions like 2.34, did not have this problem, but of course also did not have the new features.
The other thing that I would love of course, if I could twist Erwin’s arm, is a better way to read the joystick analogue ports into the logic blocks. I know how to set it up using various threshold trigger points to steer things, but I’m sure that there is a better way. All I can say, is a HUGE THANKS to Erwin and the others that have hung in with the GE. Please keep it up!
Keith R

yes Erwin is all that isn’t he

why can’t a find a woman like Erwin? =(

WOOOOOOOOO!!! GO ERWIN!!!:smiley: lol and that fixed amera thing sounds usefull…:smiley:

Yes! I think Erwin deserves a lot of thanks that he doesn’t get!

Good stuff Erwin, good stuff.


Indeed, thank you Erwin for you great work :smiley:

O boy, not another go erwin encouragements threads…
if you want to encourage someone encourage snailrose… he’s putting in Ogre.


go veryone working on the GE… and blender for that matter!! woot!!

*throws panties at blender development team

go snailrose go!!!
ogre in belender sound to me like a very nice archi viz tool :slight_smile:

To ervin can to give the big many for better game engine, i think.

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Thank you to erwin and snailrose… you’re both working really hard.
And another related thank-you to Ton, of course.