Made with Blender2.43CVS and MakeHuman0.9 (stand alone)
Comments and suggestions welcome
Made with Blender2.43CVS and MakeHuman0.9 (stand alone)
Comments and suggestions welcome
nice…its very meanigful yet also disturbing…cool combination…
That is nice! what’s that make human 0.9? Is it some kind of script, and what it do? you woke up my interests
thx for your comments
Make human is a free open source app that allows you to "scuplt human bodies with over 2500 controls, it exports to .obj and i imported the .obj into blender. Make human did start its life as a blender script but now its a stand alone app.
can be found here
Looks great… Only error I can see is that he seems very weightless (this may be a consequence of being entangled in vines) but it doesn’t as such seem like he’s struggling.
Awesome colours though and the vines look perfect and evil
I’m interested in finding out how you modeled those vines- I would guess you did it with curves?
the vines are beveled/tapered bezier curves
.blend file for you to learn from, also some coposite nodes aswel
PS. you need 2.43RC1 to use this file to its fullest
also i am on a dual monitor setup so things may seem to be abit crowed