Escape key not working like it used to

My escape key is not behaving like it used to. If I am extruding and I decide to cancel it, I used to be able to hit esc. It no longer works. I have to finish the move and hit ctl-Z. But if I am rendering something and I hit escape it does stop, any ideas what’s happened?

My escape key is not behaving like it used to. If I am extruding and I decide to cancel it, I used to be able to hit esc. It no longer works.
By default the Esc key has never cancelled an extrude. All it does is cancel the translate after you have duplicated the selected faces.

You are either mistaken or using some other custom shortcuts

But if I am rendering something and I hit escape it does stop,
That is normal behaviour

Yes, that’s right, I misspoke. It was no longer canceling the translation. Now it seems to work, I think the keyboard itself is gummed. Thanks.