Eschers up and down (.blend included)

Hi all!

Another implementation of eschers “up and down”!
Grab the .blend at:

Suggestions of improvement are welcome.

lol this is awsome

have you seen this one?


1 Like

This is incredible! How’d you set the camera up so it would render like that?

This is incredible! How’d you set the camera up so it would render like that?

He posted the blend. You can find out for yourself by looking at it.

its getting me dizzy…cool artwork!!..err…I thought i saw this one already??

What an amazing peice! I really rate escher’s work. Only crits would be of the materials, but if the cartoony look is for you then all the better! Plus i think the window glass could do with some difining. Many thanks for the blend to look over, some great ideas in there!