Esperient Creator: Spelling doomsday for 3D Games Studio
And I can actually afford this state-of-the-art Interactive 3D toolkit too at only 500 dollars for a royalty free license. Actual companies have delivered full blown games with this and comes with it’s own modeler, not good at textures? Esperient comes with procedural textures for you to use in your games.

Now why have I said it spells Doomsday for 3D Games Studio by Conitec, it’s simple enough, the modeler looks a lot more powerful, it has better rendering, better texturing, a very promising physics engine, and you get more out your money (500 vs. 800-900 for Gamestudio pro edition).

Since I can afford it it would look like it would be a no-brainer to me, there’s one problem, I have at least 3 playable projects that are incomplete in Blender’s GE, and if the Blender GE can save me 500 bucks, so be it. But this engine looks really good for the price


The site looks new. Its writing is awkward and the DHTML is rather buggy.

Don’t be naive.
Making a game involves much more than creating models and applying a physics engine to them.

This view you have is shared by many people who believe that the solution for problems is the available set of tools.

Does this product makes storylines? Does it optimizes solutions for different problems? Does it creates tests? Does it specify communication protocols? Does it makes the maintenance of a large server for that reeaaaalllly nice MMORPG?

Game Studios are not going to end, because there are more than just tools in the creation process.
We have open-source projects for many many years now. Why do we still have software houses around? Why would it be different for games?

Please more… reading !
Where is every one?..
my reply on this may go off the line, Big time!..

He didn’t say that game studios will end, he said the product “Gamestudio” (made by Conitec, which he mentioned as well) could end up in /dev/null with this piece of software available now.

That’s a world of difference :slight_smile:

In that case, my mistake:)
I did open the link, read the website… Since I 'm not familiar with this Game Studio my brain just ignored the “by Conitec” part and understood “game studio” as a generalization:)

I’m very pro Blender and BGE, but sometimes you must find what is right for you and sometimes Blender and BGE may not be that choice, you should never close your mind to that possibility.

I’ve read over Esperient Creator’s feature list and viewed the screen shots. and I’m stunned. I’m downloading the community edition now.

Remember, the community edition is watermarked and you can only create scenes up to 4 megs.

I can easily afford the royalty free limitless edition as I said before, but I still consider the BGE a good option for my current projects. Take my Miniature Golf game, I’m not going to redo the logic as well as port over all 36 holes. I’ll stick with the BGE if I can, but this looks like a tempting product to spend some of my art money on.

right… so :

is better than :

You live in strange world all of your own CD