euchwasty's website cames back! : : 2 demos there - click here , and enter my new website. It was made by using flash, and it is fine I think. In section “gry moje” you can read about my blender games (the rise of the dress, kgb) and download the fully playable demos! There are also sections “galeria 3d” (galery) and “moje zdjecia” (my photos). The sections - “filmy animowane” (animated movies) and “filmy amatorskie” (amateur movies) are already not avaiaible, but after a few days i will create them, so you can see my full creation contest.

Please, visit my website and comment it, you can also write something about my artworks, photos and games.

Sorry for my english :slight_smile:

very nice shading and lighting on the streets!! :smiley:
how did u make the shading under the lamp posts on the streets?

another person from poland!! :smiley: and a talented one too!! - not like me… :frowning:

ladna stronke masz! masz talent, nie ma co! witamy w elysiun - w raju dla blenderowcow!! :smiley:

…a tak a propos, flash’a wypalil ci koles, co? :wink:

sorry but it was a little difficult to find the game.