Ever felt being watched ?


We made this picture with a friend of mine for an indigo competition (“small things”). We thought we’d post it here too since it was modelled with blender (2.43).

The high-res version (in which defects are more visible :)) can be found here.


cute. pixar. next version would be him on a lounge chair getting a tan. that would be a cute animation.

lol. What a great picture. It’s one of those things that’s creative and makes you smile when you see it. I like the pixar look it has. Would like to see an animation though. :slight_smile:

oh ho ho ho, nice toon characterization + realistic render!

Awesome! Great stance he’s in! I really like this one!

Keep it up!

Great poses! It would be nice to see a few more renders with the lamp looking at the paperclip in different ways :slight_smile:


wow thats brillieant! hah really like it :slight_smile:

Agree with what everyone else is saying but i have one crit. I know its only a lamp but i think this would be improved if you could give it some more character, a bit more feeling with the way it’s towering over the paperclip. 4 stars.

very nice,makes my smiling :eyebrowlift:

Oh my, I did’nt think we’d get such replies !
>Everyone : Thank you
>TheANIMAL : We have tried several lamp position, view angles and so on. We could’nt do better ! It’s hard togive character to a lamp, actually. I think it would be easier through a animation, where the lamp’s movement could give it more soul… Well, if the animation was made by a good animator, of course :wink:

this is really good. i like the pixar feel, and the realisticism!
good job and keep up the good work!