everyone meet Inspector Javert!

Hey all, i want you all to meet this dude…

Inspector Javert (from my Les Miserables project).

I’m pretty sure i’ve finished this but i thought i’d get you all to rip it apart for me so i can see where i’ve gone wrong. i know, for instance, that the texture needs a lot of work, so any tips would be greatly appreciated


Is it stretched? Something is off about your image. Maybe re-upload it.

First thing, has the image been squashed. If it has can you upload one with the correct proportions? Because his head looks very long and thin. Also you might want to consider using SSS for the skin.

yeah i forgot to re-enable sss. i dont know what the stretching is all about. ill try again…

i re-rendered in a 1:1 aspect ratio, this might be better

(i always seem to have these niggly problems when askin for help on here, must be pure incompetence)