Everything nodes

Will nodes be required to make models or affect users who prefer modeling by hand in any negative ways? Also it was mentioned that primitives have nodes. What happens to the node once the user makes an edit to the object?

No, it won’t affect you if you want to do standard destructive polygon modeling, other than the fact that you can keep changing the # of segments on primitives and generated objects at any time.


i mean, for example, when we start Blender we have a camera a cube and a lamp, we should have a general node tree called ‘scene’ that shows what we’ve got in our scene, then we can go in the cube node to do our transform/modification with modifier or other things. We should have the same representation in the outliner ( a scene with 3 object, cube camera lamp ). That’s how i imagine it anyway

Houdini does this, it links the node that will generate the simulation, it can be a mesh, some points, a volume etc. In houdini we use a Dop ( dynamics operator ) tree where we can use solvers and forces etc, the emitter and the output are ( most of the times ) in other nodes and never in the DOP itself.

In Houdini it’s very easy to drive parameters from a node to another, it’s just a copy paste thing to do.

Anyway i might send you some video capture to explain you the houdini way for some stuff, it might inspire you

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Everything Nodes does not mean Blender turning into Houdini, UI and all. Thankfully.


You did say “90% or more of my own procedural textures”, so unless that “90% or more” is all brick …

Does anyone know when Everything nodes is being released? I assume it wont be in 2.8? Sorry if asked before

It won’t be in 2.80 for sure. That is being release in about a week or so.

Brecht indicated that the plan was to add it in pieces. AFAIK that is still the plan. So 2.81 might get some initial stuff, but it’ll probably be a few releases before everything is finished.


alright thanks for the information. I cannot seem to find any roadmap or official information about it. Do you know where I can track it? Could only find this thread. I just want to mess around with Animation Nodes and since Jacques moved on to develop everything nodes im just wondering about if there will be an updated version of AN working with the upcoming official 2.8 release

Dumb question, but someone gotta make it:
Animation Nodes (the addon) is going to be a part of Everything Nodes project or will be kept as an addon?

No, they aren’t designing the animation nodes addon to hook into the everything nodes project. The everything nodes project will make the animation nodes addon obsolete when it is finished.

They don’t plan to implement every part of the everything nodes project in one go, so they might update the addon until blender has the functionality to replace it.

Would also be a nice addition if someone could port the Berconmaps to Blender!

what are Berconmaps?

another test from jacques lucke i presume

it’s weird to use a particles system as emitter without connecting it directly to a new emitter node


An amazing open source procedural textures ; http://www.ylilammi.com/2013/09/berconmaps/

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What is that :scream:

Could this why Autodesk is all of a sudden making announcements about Maya’s Bifrost system? This makes the existing particle system look like some 6th grader’s science fair project.

Please BF, get 2.8 released next week as scheduled so this can go in.


Event based (and node based) particles. 3ds Max has had this type of particles for ages named ParticleFlow. I assume other apps have something similar. It is really powerful and in my opinion very intuitive.

Your particles are basically “in an event” and can move on to other events based on user input. In this example you see how the particles are generated in one event. The user adds an “age reached” test set to 3 ( i guess that is 3 seconds ). So when a particle reaches the age of 3 it is moved to the next event which is a “kill” event so the particle dies.

Tests check if a particle has reached a certain condition or multiple conditions.
There are plenty of other types of tests which can move particle to the next event. For example you could check if a particle has reached a certain velocity and then move it to the next event. Or you could check for scale or position or a collision.
If you check for collision you check if the particle has hit some sort of deflector object and then move it on to the next event. Maybe your particle is a rock and hits the ground. The rock particle is then moved the next event where it bursts into a bunch of new particles making it look like the rock has splintered into smaller chunks.

Within an event you can determin the current properties of a particle like behavior, shape, size, force field influence or if the particle should spawn new particles. These new particles can then be sent off to another event themselves where their properties are set.
When they reach the next event their properties can be redefined.

If you are interested it might make sense to read the introduction to particle flow as the concept appears to be very similar:

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I just made a quick test with the functions branch. Hope you like it!


Loving this !

The logic behind these particles seems a bit different than other systems I know of. See for example, Jacques does not use an explicit ‘output’ node at the end of the graph, yet the particles are there, bouncing and rendering fine. There’s also the fact that he can connect several noodles to a single ‘effects’ socket, which I assume is just several sockets merged into one for the user ? All in all, great stuff, heheh.

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I was kind of thinking that it had those characteristics because it’s still something that is changing. Like maybe he found it would be quicker to test things if all nodes acted as though they were connected to an output. These things might change by the time he has a beta ready.

In animation nodes, you don’t always need an output node to see an influence in the 3d viewport. Maybe he is refusing some ideas from it in this project.

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