this is for Our Game …
Falling Worlds
here goes… 
image 1
image 2
is it good as a model for the GE … is it better than my last works
notice :- i have updated my site
this is for Our Game …
Falling Worlds
image 2
is it good as a model for the GE … is it better than my last works
notice :- i have updated my site
by the way , how do you think he must be textured like
hey nice model and the way u posted the series of pictures on how you made the model helps this noob out alot thanx. about texturing when i hear evil austin and it makes me think of the austin powers movies, so all i can think about is this guy in a silver jump suit. let me look at your other posts and get an idea of what your going for game wise and maybey ill come up with something. (although im not a huge visionary)
so from the research i did on your game i found out the time frame but im kinda curious about your charicters background. is he the main bad guy in your series or one of them?
The support forum is for questions ONLY. This belongs in the Games forum.
Since you are a mod , then move it “i mean the thread” , thanks
after some Texing
img 1
img 1
i will fix the sleeves textures the area near hands and maybe the gloves tex too
This is so good you should be working professionally! :eyebrowlift2:
wow! I thought I left a comment in this thread!
Sorry, I must not have hit the post button.
I like your texturing work, very nice on the face.
What is he dressed as? is he some sort of evil Wizzard?
Any how, I like the patterns and designs
Awesome! Great texturing job.
This has really inspired me to learn how to create more advanced textures! Thanks!
To answer one question. Austin is the top bad guy. No he is not a wizard, he is a business man, with a large corporation.
We think his clothes a too, sports club looking and too wizardly looking. But the model is very good, yes?
I also think the sides of his hairline need to be moved forward, so its not so square.
But we are very happy to finally have Evil Austin!
ok i will throuw his texture away and make new professional one
please , this is the first texture i have ever done in my life , … i will train myself to make new texture much much better than this crappy texture , i think the model isn’t bad
you are right the tex is very bad i will kill it , and make a new one
thanks facemania 1/1 credits and Mmph! and Ititrx too , lol …
by the way ititrx your avatar is making me afraid all the time , those eyes are evil hooooo !!!
the texture is very good but doesnt fit austins character
Yes, this texture is mostly great, just a few funny things, all that can be changed easily. but as mack says, it doesnt really fit.
But you could modify this one and not make a new one? You know follow the suggestions we all gave you? lol.
You mean this the first whole texture you have made?
Hmmm, my avatar, wait until the whole image is revealed in October! Muwuahahahahahaha!
please ititrx go to google and pick any character of evil and i will take some ideas not copy past , i want a picture that inspires me not a work , i drew this tex by imagination with the painting tablet , the first texture i have made .
ok , by the way guys who want to rig him ?
what? do what at google? we have other team members that made the comments, not just me. lol.
I think 3 said they didnt care for the scrolls on the costume, and another mentioned his pants didnt touch his shoes…
You never explained fully about his armor?
You are asking some one here on ba to rig him for you? yikes… lol.
good luck with that… and if you find someone, maybe they can rig all the other models too? Hope, i hope…
You know you could just learn to rig them…it would help the team more…
Are you seriously asking that? I find that rigging (unless it includes weight painting) is way easier than making a good texture, hmm maybe thats from personal experience though.
You should really learn to rig it, it’s not hard and is actually kinda fun making the legs do 360’s and such
I miss spoke. I think he knows how, but doesnt like to rigg them. I think i have a blend with a dancing man in it that he made.
phew , no it is not that i can’t rig him , riging is easy , but we want someone to do this because if we made everything then we will not be fast , anyways i will rig him if no body wants , “for me riging is not fun it’s pain” the fun is texturing and modeling
here goes the new tex of austin
wow! that looks great 3DGuru
I like his new clothes , you are a great texture artist!
when you rig him you might want to keep BVH in mind, then you can just use motion capture to animate him quickly.
Lots of game engines will just use 1 skeleton/armature for all the models so everything can share the same animations.
Just a suggestion
Great work
thank you Mmph! for encourageing me to become better ,
i like this smiley ((( ))) he he he …
ok here goes an update , do you like the hair on chin guys ?
what do you think guys , yah i will rig and animate him , how can i use bvh in blender , i only can do this in 3dmax … thanks
edit :-
he have ears now , tex and geometry