I am not sure that I know the exact difference between both… the behave differently I see that … wich one to use when ?
I am not sure that I know the exact difference between both… the behave differently I see that … wich one to use when ?
Ztransp is the old Blender (scanline) way. No refraction
RayTransp is the new Raytraced way. Refraction and Fresnel effects work!
and raytrans takes 10 times as long to render…
Right… that’s what I figured…the point is that let’s say you have an object with a certain colour wich is behind let’s say a plane wich is a bit transparant…
In case of using the Ztrans, in the render I see the colour of the object through the transparent plane … but in case of using the Ray Transp, I am not able to get the colour to show through…