.exe to .blend

I want to know how to turn an .exe on a ,blend again, I read 3 threads about it and I didnt understand what to do yet. I ll be very happy if someone explain me.

It’s actually very easy.

1). Install python 2.6
2). Download this script (link).
3). Run the script and type in the name of the exe file.
4). Wait for a very long time (remember: python is not that fast when it comes to reading files).
5). Done.

Python is fast, but I guess in this case the trouble is this loop of source code:

while(line != ""):

What is the meaning of this loop? Why not read everything at once, and slice it afterwards? The lines are concatenated anyways, so why break them every-1024-byte?

I try to run the script and a window show up and desapier after that, I cant type the file location or the name.
I have tried to run it on blender, but it freezes the program.
I dont know how to make it work, I have the python 2.6.
Please help me again c-106 delta, and thanks for the attention so far

What is the meaning of this loop? Why not read everything at once, and slice it afterwards? The lines are concatenated anyways, so why break them every-1024-byte?
I didn’t write the script. It’s only a slightly modified version from this thread (link). However, I believe it reads 1024 bytes at a time to reduce memory usage.

I try to run the script and a window show up and desapier after that, I cant type the file location or the name.
I have tried to run it on blender, but it freezes the program.
Don’t run it in Blender. Just run it as a normal python script.
Edit: It works for me just by clicking the py file on the desktop.

PS: The script won’t work on blender games that use “hacked” blenderplayers or this application.

It s working for me now, thanks a lot C-106