Why don’t you go and post that on some “I am F***ing dimented” forum. This is a blender forum where we show blender work or am I missing something. I would much rather be offended by blender work then whatever the hell that was.
I don’t know why you are so offended- you had plenty of warning to not see it, so why did you? Yes, its a blender board, and I suppose technically thats an objection, but thats not the real reason for your anger.
I don’t think wiensta is trying to say with this ‘go and execute someone today, and see how cool it is’
I’m not saying “chill out, relax” or anything like that. Its your opinion and you’re entitled to it. I’m geniunely interested in this. I like it when things provoke discussion, when they provoke questioning of what they mean. Execution happens to be for me one of the most shocking human behaviours possible, for some reason beyond such phenomena as war or mass murder- I don’t know why. Even thougn this piece is only what w. said, i.e. just something he/she did while bored one day, I’m always glad for the oppurtunities for us to confront our demons. In a way (to wax hyperbolic) art is like the socratic definition of rhetoric, good and bad. Bad art/rhetoric (or at least, easy art) gives us what we want to hear: snugly things, flattery, massaging of the ego or assuaging of fears. Good art makes us face what we don’t want to face. the ugly things about ourselves, or just makes us learn something. I’m being hyperbolic. But the fact is we’re all almost always making easy decisions, selfish ones, or just agreeing with those made for us. Thats why its so offensive (i think) to be shown these images. its not just the horror of it, but also the fact that every aspect of what makes up ‘civilization’ is to a large part complicit with these kinds of events.
so in a way wiensta has ‘hijacked’ this forum, but hey- more power too him.
that’s my opinion.
I think it was a good reminder that these things have happened and are still happening. It is so easy to forget this in our suburban homes, where the biggest threat is to burn your thumb when baking pizza.
wow, and here’s me thinking that wet bathroom floors are dangerous… I find it interesting how people can find the truth offensive, not that I don’t understand it. We seem to all be capable such things and yet when comfronted with that fact we freak out… we sure do have archaic brains.
Anybody else got some “deep” thoughts?
Well, most likely I’ll be buried somewhere with the rest of the dead people.
Nope, I’m pretty sure death is final. I don’t see the problem with that either. I mean, if I’m not concious to figure I’m dead, how could I care?
Furthermore, if there were such a thing like life after death, it would be pretty crowded don’t you think? Unless its only for humans, taken into consideration humas are so evil and that blah blah blah.