Exlploring the wild cramped reality

Hi Everybody,

I came along with an idea for a study room of an oldschool adventurer… you see the drafted idea below…

I started to build the scene and the overall blockout and lightning was pretty straightforward… but when I started filling in all the stuff I’d like to have in the scene it killed my computer…

I managed to render this scene below in cycles and I kind of like it… but it’s still not cramped enough. Do you have an idea how to improve it?!


With open floor space it’ll never feel cramped. Put a table in the middle of the room with 2 or 3 chairs, maps, letters, cigar boxes, etc.

Put guns and animal heads on the wall. Hang some lights from the ceiling and put an oil lamp on the wall.

Add a ladder and stepladder for the bookshelf and put some boxes and other objects on the bookshelf, not just books.

Oldschool adventurers would have oldschool books, mostly black and leather bound.


Thanks for your reply and ideas @thinsoldier. I’m already struggling with the scene… I’ll have to replace some of the assets to be able to add more - if that makes sense. Let’s see…

see related images at the bottom


also the mr elephant demo scene has the old world explorer den vibe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTPQgzvbDXc

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