Experimenting Retopology

hello everyone im blender user for over a year and decided to post my process in blender, mind you its not 100% on point but i tried to follow the general guidelines

first i imported the sculpt mesh from z-brush (personal preference) the important thing for me is to add the first plane in the process to the origin point of the sculpt or to the center of mass (im not sure if this is right correct me on this).
then i position my cursor to that origin point by clicking shift+s


then i used the snap tool, with the option selected "snap to the surface of other objects. once i placed the plane i deleted the first half and used the mirror modifier and the shrinkwrap tool


the shrikwrap modifier helps preventing certain deformations that are not wanted in the re-topology process. i also enabled clipping in the mirror modifier to make sure the edges won’t overlap when i move them to the left side

here is the preview of the mesh with modifiers on, there are some dense loops and triangels on the bottom which i tried to avoid, but as i said i tried to follow the general guidelines


then i used the baking tool in the render option, with seams marked across the face i was able to get the unwrap
will upload more pics in the next post.

general guidelines i used:

  • the margain (bleed) was set to 40px
  • the image that i baked onto was 4096x4096, in lower resolution i get poor results, im not sure why.
  • had to uncheck the texture in the texture tab and select it in the uv editor



