Explode modifier

Nothing terribly fancy, just looking to see if I could make the explode modifier work with Gen3 tree leaves. This is going to take a lot of tweaking for something nice, but my first pass looks pretty good.

The horizontal motion is purely from the wind field. Vertical motion from a negative Z setting on the particles.

One thing I did hit that puzzles me, is I tried adding some variable force to the wind using an IPO curve. The first attempt, I could see the wind changing with alt-a, but the leaf particles stopped moving. Second attempt, created a new blend from scratch, and the leaves move ok with relation to the variable force wind. Not sure what I did or didnt do properly on the first variable wind test.

Explode modifier on Tree leaves

Make it slower… make some wind or other forces to add to realism… Try using the modifier that builds objects to make your leave “Grow”

Not bad for a first test

really great idea

That’s cool, but the leaves are still on the tree. :wink:

Thanks, it needs a lot of work, but the new modifier makes it at least possible. That’s pretty much what I wanted to see, if I could even do this idea.

I also want to try and puzzle out how to make the remaining leaves “flutter” in place.

And, initially I didn’t really want all the leaves to fall off and leave a naked tree. though that could make for an interesting through the seasons “timelapse” type of animation.