I really dont know what that is - I know what a uv mapped plane is but dont know how to animate it. Is it really as easy as adding a gif to a plane? not sure about the halo thing
I’ve tried the uv animated map and it crashes my home pc and doesnt work on my work pc (may be a video error at work but cant update the driver…)
Are there any tips on creating a mesh explosion. The other thought I had was creating several planes with the different explosion uv’d and do a series of new object end objects linked to a property count. not sure what effect this would have on the speed if there were a lot of explosions…
Firstly, use Halo instead of Billboard (it always faces the camera on every axis). Nextly, I’d say to end the object immediately , add some fire-looking planes (halos) moving in different directions with short life-spans. Add some smoke-looking planes with a longer life span moving up. Use IPOs to make the smoke get larger and fade out. You could also add some dynamic debris objects. Now for the K.O., do Akula’s animated UV thing to make the smoke billow, and swirl, and cause lung cancer, and have a flashy orange lamp jump to the position of the explosion. But don’t try to add a lamp… you will fail.
halo rotates the poly to face the camera, regardless of where the camera is. you have to make sure the plane is facing along the x-axis (and remember, one side is see through, so make sure the normals are facing the right direction. I don’t remember which way that is tho… basically, if it’s along the y-axis and you can’t see it, rotate 180 degrees or flip normals.)