exploding geese

Hi all,

I am helping out with the duck hunt game, and I am working on some special effects.
You can get the file here:


To spawn a goose just press the space bar. To test the effects just use your mouse, and click on a goose. After a goose is removed by you another one will automatically spawn so it should always keep the same amount in the scene.

This can be run in blender, but works best in blenderplayer.

Please share your opinions :smiley:

EDIT : Darn it, wrong forum thread, sorry about that. :frowning: I ment to put this in the discussion one.

Ha, that was fun :D. I like how when they explode they go all the way down to the ground, unlike some other games where they just disappear mid-air, however the splat on the ground looks a bit too bright red.

Thanks otto riis,

I agree about the splat color, I did not notice it untill you said something about it. I will fix that now.

Thanks for the feedback :smiley:

Way too cool!! I like the sense of distance, but itā€™s a shame that you canā€™t see the geese up close. Maybe they should fly by the camera once in awhile. The setup is pure genious, good work. You know what would be funny, a rambo duck that shows up and shoots back at you with a full arsenal of really exagerated weapons.
Aaaaah ha ha!!! I just showed my wife. I spawned like fifteen, she said ā€œOh, theyā€™re so cute!ā€. Then I exploded them all in five seconds and she screamed ā€œAAAEEE NO!! I donā€™t like it!!ā€
So it may be a bit too realistic for some!

Haha! I love the Rambo duck Idea, Thanks for trying it out Asa J.

I think in the game it is set up so that they are closer to the camera. When I get some time I am going to make some ducks and other sorts of foul too. I hear rhumor that we will have turkeys, They are going to be a real challenge because they walk on the ground most of the time.

Well, anyways, thanks again Asa J.

Mmph I think you need help. This is really gross, but well made. I like the feather poof effect .The sound effects where pretty disturbing too. I still think you should speed up the birds flying animation. I think I am going to borrow your feather spawner idea for bubble in my fish tank.

Have fun with your exploding birds.

Thatā€™s pretty niffty. Now I have to tear it apart and look at the insides :evilgrin:.

However, there is one thing that caught my attention. I donā€™t know if it is just me, but after adding in at least 10~15 birds, the birds started moving a lot like fish. It reminded me of AngelaSmithā€™s aquarium. I donā€™t know if you could adjust the pattern or something.

But still cool, back to dissecting it.

Hi Angela,
I think i will take your advice and speed things up a bit. they do seem to be flapping a bit slow.

Hi Moguri,
Angela is using my flock bot idea for her fish. I helped her out withthe first one, and she was able to do the rest herself. I can change the patterns by adjusting the length of the rays they use. If you have any questions feel free to ask, they are pretty simple to set up.

I think i am going to make some ducks next.

awesome man, andā€¦ WHA? you coud use the IK solver without crashing blender???

Yea, I think that is the only constraint we can use though. I would give almost anything for real time bone parenting.

the logic brick boids work great.

btw, when i tried to use the ik solver in my game it always crashed

Hey thanks :slight_smile:

I am going to make them a little more complex after I get done modeling the duckā€™s. I want to make so that they avoid static objects, and when there is a gunshot they get scared and flee like real birds.

When you are done helping with the Duckhunt game, can you please help me with my aquarium again. I need ideas for my game mode, and how I can do a screensaver.

Thank you.

I think for a screen saver you just have to save the exe and rename the extension to something. I think it was .scr or somethingā€¦

Thanks alot for helping in my game!
Sorry for the long time disconected, but my internet service isnā€™t working, Iā€™m at a friendā€™s house.
Darn Verizon!:mad:
Can you please make more birds?
EDIT: AngelaSmith, search for blender noob to pro, game engine, making an exe. It has detailed information in how to do a screensaver.

They will be WILD turkeys. Those donā€™t walk on the ground too muchā€¦ They wont in my game.

ah good, bots that both walk and fly are a pain in the ass to make.

Did you like the feathers?

This is pretty cool, its good how the ā€˜remainsā€™ and blood etc continue with the forward motion of the goose. Im guessing you got the velocity using python and then applied it to the remains when theyre created?

Either that or it just does it automatically, but in my experience that hasnā€™t worked.

Nice smooth gameplay though :yes:

Hi AD-Edge,

That demo is 99.999% python free.

I just used the edit-ADD actuator , and matched the birds forward movement speed when it add it.

there is only 2 lines of python to make the mouse visible.

once I get your heli-humvee game, I can try some bots for it too if you would like it to have a single player mode.

Thanks for the feedback AD-Edge :slight_smile:

Ohh nice, didnt think of that.:rolleyes:

I havent put up the .blend, but if youd like it i could send it to you sometime. Ill probubly put it up sometime soon anyway.

I was considering doing some bots, using python like i did for my Grubs game, i just havent got around to it yet.

edit I added a savefile link on the hummer vs heli thread. Hope it works