Hi there!
I am currently stuck with a little project: I want the upper half of an egg beeing part of an exploding simulation, while the egg is filled with fluid (simulation).
As far as I know I have to seperate the exploding part from the fixed part. The problem I have now is the process of seperation: How can I simulate the exploding edges? I thought about using knife tool, exploding particles or cell fracture but every of those tools have some flaws and can’t be used imo. Can anyone of you guys give me some tips?
Thx very much!
but every of those tools have some flaws and can’t be used imo.
Tell us why?
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What limitations do you have given you have ruled out the options in your post
First, I agree with Richard we need a lot more information. And I would also like to hear why you think those tools are flawed.
Anyway, from a concept view, make the egg, them make a copy of it and put it on a different layer (don’t move it in the 3d world). Back at the original egg, go into edit mode and select the pieces of the egg that will explode, press “p” to separate the meshes. Now you have a whole egg, and a top half that will explode and a bottom half.
Set up and use quick explode on the top half, at the appropriate point in the animation swap the whole egg for the exploding pieces.
In a separate scene or file it makes no difference, create the exploding egg innards with the fluid sim. Off the top of head I would probably use a combination of fluid, settled in an egg shaped container, then combine moving the container and use a force field at the same time to blow the fluid apart. I would probalby do that twice. One for the egg white anopther time for the egg yolk.
Now you have all the pieces for your animation. Now you have to put them all together in the compositor.
Oh, my disclaimer is that I have never done this and have no idea if it would work. But this is the direction I would go if I were faced with a similar problem.
I thought about deviding the parts of the egg but to make the edges of the not-exploded egg look realistic I have to achieve a look like that one:
So I don not know how to seperate the parts of the egg while achieving this look. I thought about the knive tool but the egg has a thin thickness so I would have to get the knive took working for the inner meshes and the outer ones.
My preferred solution either way would be the cell fracture tool with rigid bodies since I can simulate it more realistically (I can breake the shell from the inside with a rigid body witch is a fluid obstacle too) and I can duplicate the different shards and joining them to apply a bevel modifier on the egg (therefore getting the realistic looking edges). Unfotunately I get those artifacts when using cell fracture. I can minimize them if I do not use smooth shading.
Edit: Finally I am getting closer: Since I have to make a hole into the egg (subdiv lvl 2 applied, no smooth shading) to prevent cell fracture from calculating the egg as a single solid body and therefor filling the space inside the hole gets the artifacts… but the hole is at the bottom and the bottom part shouldn’t explode. Well… so far so good… perhaps I can get recursive shattering to work somehow?