Say I wanted to make a bomb with real physics, how would I go about doing this in logic bricks?
if It can’t be done in logic bricks (which I suspect is the case) then can someone show me the ways of the serpent on this one?
I’m hardly fluent in parseltongue
I just have a sphere or cube(ghost and invisible) scale up ad have a property “boom” or something like that. When someone touches “boom”, they lose some or all health. And for the look I just have a plane, that has the halo setting, scale up with it. If you use GLSL, you can have a nicer explosion by having it animate(you can do this too in Multitexture if you use logic bricks to replace the mesh with another explosion plane but have a texture later in the animation). Some else might be more help, I do it the lame way because my computer can’t really handle GLSL.
Layer 1: have an object that has a collision trigger > AND > Edit object/ replace mesh plus End object (on contact)
Layer 2: have a sphere animated to grow very large quickly (f-curves), link this to the add object actuator. This objects set up would be: ALWAYS > AND > FCURVE (set the start and end animation times) and FORCE and L(ocal) ACTIVE.
What should happen is when the layer 1 trigger hits the player, it spawns the rapidly expanding sphere from layer 2 and vanishes. You can rig the player to get damage from the sphere, and the player will be pushed back as the sphere expands.
This was done in my head so some things might need tweaking, but it should work. If you get stuck, I can do a small demo if you like.
Thanks Paul and cam.dude!
Sorry for being such a nooblet but while I can make it spawn, I got a little issue using the F-curve, I’ve never really used them before. If it would be possible could you please post a demo? just something really simple to reference to
The F curves are quite easy to use. For the sphere I did the same Rubbernuke mentioned for the game ‘Smilies online’.
First you scale down to 0.0001, by choosing the sphere a pressing S and typing 0.001, then press I ans choose scale. Make sure your animation frame is set to 1 (look for the animation interface if the timeline does not show). Then set the time line to let’s say 10 and then scale the sphere up, let’s say 10000 times, then press I again and choose scale.
As you can see, other options are there and you can animate pretty much anything that way!
Good luck!
Yeah, nice one Rubbernuke. A good demo of a simple effect that works. Too often nooblets (those terrible wet, smelly, runny nosed people) indulge in magical thinking and then enjoy the discussion, like teenagers around a campfire with torches under their chins, more than actually trying something.
Thanks paul! this is just what I was looking for
it’s really smooth! I’m going to have to seriously re-work my character though, I bodged the phyisics by making the character mass 10,000 xD
That demo is actually incredibly entertaining. I couldn’t help but put lots of them in a row to see how far I could keep going!
True. I’d rather people only posted something that they know works rather than pretending they know something and saying “oooh how about if you re-routed the flux flow to the mass diffuser?” clearly not having a clue what they are saying ._.
I’m glad you liked it. If you added an ‘enemy’ property to the explosion sphere you could have chain reactions of explosions when the explosion spheres hit other mines.