Explosion Test

Following the “Most Realistic Blender Explosion” thread, the winner, Rhysy2, made a tutorial to demonstrate how he produced the effect. Using this tutorial, I have made a quite nice animated explosion, which I have the vimeo link for.
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Can some one reply to this?

I want to know what you think.

Smoke looks nice at the end. Maybe it could stay a bit longer. This might go better in Blender Tests

I believe there should be more of a dark beginning

Looks good! Maybe more time spent on the fire and the nit slowly goes into the smoke but still great work. Can you give a link to the tutorial?

Be patient little one :wink: It has only been two hours since your last post.

The turnover to smoke looks good. The debris flying out looks too uniform for my taste and I think it would be nice if you give us a first half like what is causing the explosion.
If you just want to show the explosion at least put a little black infront of the video so that the viewer isn’t so surprised at the beginning. Remember it takes about 7-13 Frames for a viewer to grasp what is going on when you start off with a shot.

Thanks all. I might work a bit more on the start of the explosion, but for now I’m working on the video tutorial.

Does anyone know of a free screen capture system, with sound?

make it faster and the smoke should stay longer and become lightgrey and the stonesshould rotate a bit

http://camstudio.org is free and has sound support. I’ve never tried it with sound but for videos it is excellent.
I just recorded this timelapse modelling session (shameless plug :eyebrowlift2:) with it: http://www.vimeo.com/1084269

The explosion is great, but the rocks coming from it kind of spoiled it. Unless you can make the debris better, then just leave them out. Because the explosion itself was awesome! Would look good coming from an airplane.

So, I’ve done some editing, and some work with the sequencer, and this is the product.


Oooh, nice. I never had the patience to really try animating this, it was a bit too memory intensive at the time.

I think the start still looks a bit strange : more like an implosion than an explosion. If possible, it would be nice to see it start from a point and expand outwards. Also, probably if you animate the size of the volumetric halo (so that it expands while it fades) it will look more explosion-like.