
If anyone here thinks they have a good enough explosoin for a movie post it here. If you are willing to give you explosion you get all the credit. You will see your name at the credits in my movie. But ou have to post the blend here. Ill post the movie here when IM done. It will be down in a couple of months. Why do I ask for and explosion is im not that good with paricle building %| . thanks for all your help. :smiley: .

maybe this could help:


I looked at that before. Please I need an explosion.

Try this from the Wiki Manual. There is information about particles which can be used to make explosions. It even includes a section about explosions. :wink:

I hope this helps.

I said earler Im not good with particles. Just give me an explosion. You get the credit.

one word: PRACTICE! you just need to keep trying and all will be well.

that said, you can get some help here:


But none of those work because the website isnt working.


elYsiun.com is working for me, and obviously working for you as you just posted.

Blender Wiki is working fine for me too

No on his thread he gave me the .blend files on it the website they all put it on isnt working.

Where do you get your manners?

You already requested an “awesome explosion” here a couple of days ago:

Not only that, I provided you with two different links, one that had about 6 explosions, but all of which “weren’t good enough” and another, that you obviously did not even look at.

Stop spamming up our forums with a project you obviously have no real desire or ambition to finish.

go to rhysy 2’s post, get that one… the link works there.

Where is it. I cant find it.

page 2… here:

it’ll be the first post on that link --by the guy with the green alien avatar–, mess with it a little and it looks great.

I had that one before. Its not that good. Its like a colorful circle. PLease anyone I have been trying to work on making one and its too hard for me. Please I need one. YOu get the credit. Thats all I ask.

Hate to say it…

…But I told you all so. a hopeless case. Don’t waste your time.


Well you dont care about anything.

i regret that i’m starting to agree with you… hmm.

Jediwhatever: we’ve given you all the resources you’ll ever need, if you ask again it’s not our fault if you don’t get any results.

I have tried all of those before and they dont work that well.


to recieve help without being called a spammer post:

  1. storyline
  2. models / test images and animations
  3. others helping you with this project, without a team of like 40 you’ll never get anything done in a month.

thanks dood.