I has a simple animation of skeleton like this.
When I exported .bvh, I get …
OFFSET 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 <----- wrong?
Notice that the root of bone in .bvh is (0,0,0) (wrong?) , while its Z position in real scene is less than 0.
.bvh seem to always store bone’s position relative to its root.
If it is true, from .bvh alone, an external program that import this .bvh would never know the root’s absolute position.
So I have to hard-code it manually.
Is there anyway to let the bone’s OFFSET be exported as absolute position?
Is it overkill to write a custom .bvh exporter?
or… Am I am using .bvh in a wrong way?
The file is attached. test26_02_testSkeletonWeightExport03.blend (694 KB)