Export filter or converter tool needed

Hi there!

Im working on a game (with 3D Game Studio) and I want to use Blender for modelling characters and objects (because modelling with blender feels REALLY comfortable; where else could you extend your mesh by simply pressing CTRL + Left Mouse Button?! :).
While trying to get my stuff over to the 3DGS tools i realised that the export capabilities of Blender are a bit “rare”! :slight_smile:

Does anyone know of a script or converter tool to get my models in a 3ds file from blender?
I got some serious problems with the DXF file in Ultimate Unwrap3D and Im not able to get it into Milshape 3D (for bones animation).

Any suggetions, any workarounds?

I appreciate any help and you´ll be mentioned in the credits of course! :wink:




It’s funny, when I was young, people called me Gonzo,
don’t know why…maybe my …funny nose… :slight_smile:

It’s funny 2, I work a bit with 3DGS and iI model with Blender, of
The DXF is not a good idea.
Try the WRL instead, or use the 3DS or OBJ scripts available
The OBJ works very well, even with UV textures
Search the scripts in the python forum, or i can send them to you.

For the 2 funnies: Mhm, maybe some “universal hint” ??? Maybe we are supposed to get in contact a lil bit more!!! :wink:

It would be great if you could send that script you are talking about. I have to admit that I never used python before … is it complicated to use it?

My Email: gonzo2305 “at” web “dot” de

Thanks in advance!
