Export Game Engine Runtime --ERROR-- Assistance please.

So I migrated from a windows workstation to Ubuntu 11.04. Blender runs a lot faster on Ubuntu than on windows, and I like the system.

Any ways I backed up a few of my project from my windows system and opened them up with Blender in Ubuntu. It all worked fine, Until i tried to export my work as a game engine runtime. I get an error pop up telling me that blender cant find the player and i receive this code from the console.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/david/Documents/programs/blender-2.59-linux-glibc27-i686/2.59/python/lib/python3.2/sysconfig.py", line 341, in _init_posix
    with open(config_h) as f:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/david/Documents/programs/blender-2.59-linux-glibc27-i686/2.59/python/include/python3.2mu/pyconfig.h'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/david/Documents/programs/blender-2.59-linux-glibc27-i686/2.59/scripts/addons/game_engine_save_as_runtime.py", line 193, in execute
  File "/home/david/Documents/programs/blender-2.59-linux-glibc27-i686/2.59/scripts/addons/game_engine_save_as_runtime.py", line 144, in WriteRuntime
    CopyPythonLibs(dst, overwrite_lib)
  File "/home/david/Documents/programs/blender-2.59-linux-glibc27-i686/2.59/scripts/addons/game_engine_save_as_runtime.py", line 42, in CopyPythonLibs
    src = sysconfig.get_paths()['platstdlib']
  File "/home/david/Documents/programs/blender-2.59-linux-glibc27-i686/2.59/python/lib/python3.2/sysconfig.py", line 442, in get_paths
    return _expand_vars(scheme, vars)
  File "/home/david/Documents/programs/blender-2.59-linux-glibc27-i686/2.59/python/lib/python3.2/sysconfig.py", line 168, in _expand_vars
    _extend_dict(vars, get_config_vars())
  File "/home/david/Documents/programs/blender-2.59-linux-glibc27-i686/2.59/python/lib/python3.2/sysconfig.py", line 487, in get_config_vars
  File "/home/david/Documents/programs/blender-2.59-linux-glibc27-i686/2.59/python/lib/python3.2/sysconfig.py", line 347, in _init_posix
    raise IOError(msg)
IOError: invalid Python installation: unable to open /home/david/Documents/programs/blender-2.59-linux-glibc27-i686/2.59/python/include/python3.2mu/pyconfig.h (No such file or directory)

location:<unknown location>:-1

From what i gather i don’t have python installed. Or I don’t have the right directory structure.

I installed blender by downloading it from the blender homepage. and extracting it to my home//Doccuments folder then running Blender.app.

Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris: Unpack the archive, Then run the Blender executable.

those are the instructions that i followed.

Can anyone help me sole the error that I received?

Thank you.

update i installed it via synaptic packet manager, now i get the error:

The player could not be found! Runtime not saved.

The second error means your missing the Blenderplayer. I think the first problem has been addressed in trunk.

Also ensure that the Python directory is correct when you start the game - it should be like this:

Game Directory > 2.59 > Python > lib

i tried a trunk build and it ran fine even without python copy. You can download unofficial builds from graphicall.org