i have no clue about how difficult it is to write an export script into one of these formats. obj would be prefert but dfx with 3d faces would be good as well. blender only writes dxf with wiremesh information.
i am on os x 10.2 and running blender 2.27 and the best i have litle knowledge about python! :-?
What exactly you want?
I don’t undestand what you write at all (I can’t understand all your words)…
I have no python knowledge, less them you, and I see that export topics commonly don’t attract the focus on the forums… A greate problem to non python experts… But with all these scripts around, OBJIO.py and some other application like Crossroads or MilkShape can’t do the job? It works fine for the majority of my meshes…
Are you trying a way to export, or are you just asking why the blender export function seens to not work very well?
Are you experiencing problems with the python scripts?
I save a lot of my models and scenes as .DXF files from Blender’s file menu.
Then import these into 3DSMax for raytracing, but I have always had 3D meshes through out. Is it possible that the program you are importing into can’t cope with the 3D meshes?
There are any pov-ray version compatible with os x?
The povanim script runs over blender 2.25 or blender 2.26 (I don’t know if it runs over 2.27 since doesn’t exists a specifc version…)
That script don’t needs the full python installation, but it has a compiled .pyo module that I don’t know if it works under os x… Why don’t you give it a try?
If you can’t find the pov-ray ray tracer to os x, their format is text based and very clean, not too dificult to modify to .obj by hand… It may be a good way to translate to other files formats. (See that I never used pov-ray with textures before and I don’t know how uv-mapping or other texture information can be referred in the pov-ray format…
If you get some trouble to work with this format or with the povanim script, you can ask JMSoller for help. I placed a forum topic about translate blender files to Nebula script format and said that one way I’m trying was convert to pov-ray and them try to use some other aplication to convert to .n3d or obj. JMSoller offered to make a new script to me that translate pov-ray to n3d. The posted topic: https://blenderartists.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11697
You can try something this way…