Export Mesh to file?

Can I export a mesh from one .blend file to another one? If I want to add my models from a scene to http://www.katorlegaz.com/index.php?a=download&c=Blender_3D_Model_Repository
for instance, but not the whole scene?

The append function [file->append or shift+f1] lets you load parts of another .blend into the one you have open

select the other .blend, select object, then one or more objects [if you select more than one and they’re related [by constraints, or one’s the parent] you’ll import those too] and hit the load button.

if you have the link button at the bottom of the dialog pressed instead of append then if you change the objects in the other .blend when you load yours up again the changes will be there as well. [this causes problems when the blend you linked from is lost or moved]

Open a new scene and use File>Append (Shift+F1). Select the appropriate file and choose Object (not mesh) and select the model.

BTW: If your model consists of multiple meshes, select all of them in this step to preserve any links (Ctrl+LMB ?).

Okey, great, thanks!
But I have a problem, when I have imported the file, why doesn’t it show up in my 3d-view? I’ve checked all the layers.

Nevermind, I did as you said, Cire, import Object instead of mesh. Now it works! Thanks. :wink: