Export to GLB: weird vertices count


when exporting a model from FBX to GLB, the POSITION attribute has a differing count depending on one option: UVs.

If unchecked, the vertices count is correct. When checked, it adds a number of vertices to the POSITION attribute and I don’t know what rule is applied here. I expected the count to go to TEXCOORD_x not merged with Position.

What is the rule here?


Haven’t tested, don’t even know what GLB is, but I’d suspect it’s splitting vertices along UV seams. This is pretty typical for engines that don’t support per-face vertex data (you’d also see splitting for per-face normals, like sharp edges, as well.)

Aaah, that’s interesting, I will investigate, thanks a lot for the pointer!

@bandages is correct – glTF stores vertex data in the format expected by GPUs for faster loading / viewing in engines. This requires splitting shared per-face normals and UVs, with per-face normals generally increasing vertex counts more. If your model happens to use only per-face normals, you can just uncheck Geometry → Normals at export. If normals aren’t exported they won’t split vertices, and glTF viewers will infer flat normals.

Hi Don,

Thanks for the input (that I missed for some reason :cry:)!