
Is there a way to export .blend and UV-maps from blender 2.226.

I have tryed VRML1.0 but in the viwer textur are not in place.

Thanks all

To what format you want to export?
Blender only exports to a few formats: vrml 1.0, autocad dxf, videoscape…
To export to some other usefull formats, you will need export pluguins, that works better in older Blender versions like Blender creator 2.23…
I personaly don’t get some sucesse exporting my models to dxf or vrml, since I get some errors and no texture.
I found in Wavefront object (.obj format, that is widely used for most of the 3d programs) a good way to export meshes with uv-mapped textures…
To export to some of the comercial formats, you will need some python pluguins…
try to search for pluguins at elysiun.com and the pluguins or question and answer forums…
See that link: http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~mein/blender/plugins/
Here, you can find some usefull pluguins, including export stuff…

See that some pluguins only works with older versions of blender, like blender creator 2.23 and most of them don’t works on blender 2.26…
Other pluguins needs the full python instalation that you will find in http://www.python.org

Search the forums about the python path system variable before try to use scripts that requires the full python instalation…

Good stuff can be found athttp://jmsoler.free.fr/util/blenderfile/povanim.htm, a french python script to convert blender files to POV RAY… A great script, must to see…

All the stuff that you will need to export files from blender can be found at this forum (sorry, I don’t have all the links…)

Good luck!!!
Good search!!!

Also, VRML does not work in any version above Publisher (2.25).

I would advise to avoid DXF at all costs. Just doesn’t work that well.


Also, VRML does not work in any version above Publisher (2.25).

BgDM, Say something more about it…
I just see that my blender 2.26 vrmls don’t open in crossroads or MilkShape 3d. I never get a perfect dxf export, with textures for example, and sometimes, whem I try to export to wavefront object, some undesired things occur, like the models get rotated (not only switch between axis, but aleatory rotations), some faces get strange edges pointing to the mesh center, and after recalc the normals in blender, my exported obj file can’t be exported to .n Nebula script format in MilkShape, etc.
I’m using objIO.py to export to obj files, and Blender 2.23… Python 2.2.2
The blender uv-mapped textures shows itself correctly in wavefront object into MilkShape, but in Nebula it gets out of the way, something like rotated or scaled, but It makes no sense for me, I just can’t define what happens to the texture at all…
I see it isn’t a Nebula or MilkShape forum, but it seens to be some exportation problems with blender… If I do the uv-mapping in MilkShape, it gets correctly into Nebula.
What a strange thing?
Do you have any idea?

I actually can export some of my models to nebula format, but I need to avoi the recalc normals, some faces operations like delete faces, to create new ones, place vertices, join meshes, etc…