Exporting from Blender

Hey, so this may not be a 100% blender question but I dont know eher else to post it. So when I export the Diffuse Texture from blender:

With Mettallic and a Displacement. I get this in Unity:

Any suggestions? I also tried to make a heightmap/normal map, I dont know anymore what what is and also tried to make a metallic map whiich I dont know how to make

Which shader pipeline are you using in Unity?

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Universal Render Pipeline

This tutorial uses URP:

Okay, so I managed to get it to work, buut I dont know how to export the displacement map. There is an material output called displacement, which I would be guessing is like a height map, but I do not know how to export it as a height map

Blender’s “displacement” is named really bad. Because does other things and confuses people.
Displacement refers to actually deforming Your mesh.

What You do in Blender and want is Bump map.

Unity URP standard Lit Shader does not have bump map input (because its worse for performance and quality than normal maps):

What You can do is:

Convert that height map that You have to normal map. You can do it within Unity:

Or create Your own shader with bump map in shadergraph (watch some tutorials first):

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Hey, okay but how do I bake a bumb map? I do not see the option in blender

Bake? Don’t You already have that height map connected to displacement inside blender?

What You want is black-white image with height information:
Something like that:

Sadly not, I use some nodes to generate displacement

You can bake any color data if You connect temporarily eg. something to emission and bake emission.

@joseph, i think this thread should be moved to support category.

Oh, thanks I will try that out