Exporting to 3ds

I’ve been hunting around for a blender exporter to 3ds max, the internal one didn’t even come close to working…so, while I google and scan the horizons for an exporter I thought I might aswell ask here too.

Anyone know of a blender -> 3ds exporter that works?



There is none better (or worse) than the piece of crap that is bundled with Blender. Import 3ds is (relatively) well maintained though. Time and resources are lacking I guess ; maybe interest too ?
For import/export Wavefront OBJ format is the gateway of choice at this moment. Most 3d app have plugins for it since it is a real standard. If not you’ll have to find a file convertor. I don’t need them so I don’t know them sorry.


Yes OBJ is the way to get Your Blender stuff into 3DSmax
That is how we do it, and it works fine.

Exellent >=)

Thanks for the info!


I was hoping this thread would give an answer to my problems, but not so. Neither 3ds nor obj exports animations it seems (or smoothing)…

I’ve never managed to get smoothing to export into 3DS from blender and I’ve never even tried animation. OBJ or VRML have both worked well for me in the past.

Collada might or soon anyway.


There are some pretty good .x exporters(not the bundled one, but others) that you could use. .x files seem to load up well in 3ds max.

With both Collada and .X I get some weird error… the script is there, but I get an error when I press the “export” button in the exporters.