Exproting pictures

Hello Blenders

I’m totally new to Blender, and i’ve made some nice pictures, that i want to use as sreensavers etc.
But after seaching for hours without any luck i decided to ask you.
How do i export a single pucture to my own computer. And how di i make i a JPEG file?
Thank you in advance.



I don’t know which version of Blender you use, for 2.5x it works like follows:

  1. Click render settings (the small camera symbol, see attached image ba_1)
  2. Scroll down to output section
  3. There is a field where you can change output format (see attached image ba_2)
  4. Click on that field and choose output file format
  5. Render your image (press F12)
  6. Press F3 a save dialog opens

Hope that helps!


Thanks alot!
It worked problemfree :slight_smile: I’m using 2.55 (beta) :slight_smile:

You’re welcome!