Extendible Jet Catamaran

Here is a cool little boat :slight_smile:





larger images here http://resonateanimation.blogspot.com/2010/09/extendible-jet-catamaran.html

Cool concept. I just have one question about the extension. The question is where does the extension go when it is not extended.

thanks :slight_smile:
it goes into the back part… i know its not the most logical and wouldnt allow passengers to get out of the corridor extension bit :stuck_out_tongue:

Would make sense if back is used for cargo only.

that works for me :slight_smile: i guess i would have to get rid of the glass at the back though… lol… cargo doesnt need to see the nice view :stuck_out_tongue:

Or the back would just turn into an empty room where seats could be placed.

Reminds me more of a trimaran.

i didnt know those existed… i guess it is then :stuck_out_tongue: