Extending lines whilst maintaining all angles?

How do I join these lines, as the dia, whilst maintaining 90 deg angle between them and their current positions?

apologies for the line wobble, its hard to draw with a mouse.

Screenshot (15)_LI

With an edge selected, press E to extrude. press X or Y to lock it to one axis. Extruding one edge along X and one along Y will give you perfect 90 degrees angles. Once you’ve done that, select all, press M, and choose By Distance to join the extruded edges into one

Just thought about that but , is there a way to do this if the object is rotated in-between the x,y or z axis?

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Just thought of another way, switch to a local axis, then grab, but is there another way?

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There’s quite a few different possible ways :slight_smile: one other way would be to select the top vert on one edge, the top vert in the other edge, press M, and choose “At Last”. Do the same with the bottom vertices

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Enable TinyCAD-tools. Select edges as follows and use VTX AUTO in context menue:

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The fastes way i think is using edge slide and clamp off (gg and c) and snap, works since 2.9 afaik:

contrains_snap.blend (95.2 KB)

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If the object is rotated you can select an edge and then use its orientation as a new transform orientation by clicking on the + sign here:

With that, you can always work easily. It’s fast and effortless. Just don’t forget to set it back when you are done.


GG and C !
is there a video for this method ?

GG as i remember works with vert along an edge

happy bl

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:broken_heart: :sneezing_face:

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Oh nice there is still someone who loves me :wink: … (sorry to be so pathetic).

Here is a short video:

Activate edge snapping, select edge, gg + c, than you can snap the edge.


Oh yes indeed. I never used the snap to function too often (is there a faster method to switch between them… seems to be no short-key). :thinking: at least for switching back to incremental and to disable sanpping…

your first edge slide seems to snap on a face not an edge !
but it is still in edge mode
a bit strange that it works on face while in edge mode !

it works so have to remember that little trick

happy bl

Afaik there are keys to change snapping mode but i dont remember, did not use them.
I only use SHIFT+TAB to quick turn on/off snapping.

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