Exterior archviz

Hello here is my latest archviz with cycles.


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http://postimg.org/image/ch90hzaj7/full/ - link on big image

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looks awesome, I love the flowers and shrubbery

@Jacob_Morris ​thank you!

I love the natural elements of these shots and overall, I think they’re very well done. The “man made” objects like the house, driveway, and curb seem a little too perfect and something on the brick texture on the house doesn’t quite seem right… A little too flat or something. Great job, though!

i don’t know if you want critique or not, but i assume any one publishes his/her work to people is because he/she wants it.

the whole scene looks good and nice:

-there are patterns in the grass, eleminate them
-the car color doesn’t go with the residents of a house like this.
-over all needs more contrast, maybe rank the sun light up.
-the light culomn is very wide, make it smaller then stretch it’s top.

good modeling.