extinction part 1

Great style, very unique images! However it’s not necessarily my kind of art I love it! 5 stars from me!

Wow! I love the colors and materials to death!
I wonder how much of the pictures was done in postprocessing?
You did really great works! I LOVE EM!

Good work! I like the style :slight_smile:

Beautiful work! Absolutely funky!!

Whereabouts on the planet are you based (I couldn’t recognise the phone number)

Just became inspired again, jee wiz!

Thanks for the comments guys.
Yes there is post pro in photoshop, but the amount varies according to the piece.

Often I create a render duplicate it a few times in photoshop and change the colour of each layer then use masks and rub bits out on various layers, this creates some nice texturing effects that would take ages if done with materials in blender . It would be so great if there was a merge texture setting in blender :slight_smile:

I’m in the UK by the way.

interesting and smart creation of models…! good work pokestuff!

Really interesting stuff, will you ever do a more in depth tutorial on your materials? I kinda understand how it works I suppose but I always enjoy a good video or a pdf with pictures. - Not expecting it of course but one can hope :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways really like them! Awesome stuff.

Had to make another comment: As everyone here and I know you have gave a quick insight into how things have been done but would love a screen shot of a scene and lighting setup. I actually tried to mimick a lollipop that you had done last night spent 10 mins creating the character and 4 hours trying to get the same vibrant colourful feel that you have. Not sure if it was because it was a single object with no background and other objects to cast the light shadows but cannot get that deep vibrant colorful look. Also struggle to take in information in writting, I learn better visually :slight_smile: ANYWAY I LOVE YOUR STYLE. LOVE IT !!

I’m really digging the overall style and colors. It’s very attractive work.

I love your style! It’s truly beautiful!

will try my best to post something when i have some spare time…but yes colour vibrancy is relative to the background and lighting is a big part

how do you get that effect. I love them :slight_smile:

A lot of 3D doesn’t work as an illustration, but this is very good.
Will you be using these for an illustrated book?


I like it, reminds me of something from the desktop backgrounds in windows 7

Looking back through your other posts and love the color palettes you use! Looks like you hear that a lot though. Would love to see your workflow or a tutorial.

the song bird is so cool !
you are awesome men

These are impressive. The colors really give it that whimsical feel. Great job!

Everything is extremely cute! the rabbit’s eyes are to die for!

I’ve got a book that has your second image for its cover. Great work!