Is this still possible? I have a game but have misplaced the .blend file if anybody wants to tell me how to extract it or will extract it for me it would be a great help.
Is this still possible? I have a game but have misplaced the .blend file if anybody wants to tell me how to extract it or will extract it for me it would be a great help.
Sorry, not possible. If it were then distributions of games could easily be hacked and IP stolen
you posted this in the wrong place.
There are a few people who can extract the blend from an exe, like blendenzo. (or anyone who has the script)
I can can also do it for you.
there was a thread a few of years ago where someone posted the python script but I cant find it again. although I still have it on my computer.
you posted this in the wrong place.
Yea, this should me moved to the support and discussion.
Sorry, not possible. If it were then distributions of games could easily be hacked and IP stolen
I’m sorry to tell you, but it is very easy to extract blend files from exe files (or app files). Matter a fact, it’s so easy even n00bs can do it.
However, if you really want to protect a game then use the BPPlayer, not the BlenderPlayer.
Call now!
That is unfortunate, at least there is a work around though. I assume it works for all platforms? (I’m Linux myself)
Yes, it’s a 12 lines python script that you run and type in the console the name of the exe, thats all.
In fact quitting Blender after loading the blend with Blender.Quit() command is alot more hard to crack than the .exe file.
C-106 Delta your BBPlayer links are down, and we can’t download it.
Wicked how do you do it?
Sorry for the later reply. I’ve been busy.
I assume it works for all platforms? (I’m Linux myself)
Yes. Recently, I’ve been working on a Linux Ubuntu version. If everything goes well, I might have a few prototype versions for linux ready by next week (or the week after that… we’ll just have to see).
C-106 Delta your BBPlayer links are down, and we can’t download it.
After uploader polorix went down, I didn’t bother to upload the site again. The BPPlayer had a few compatiblity problems on certain versions of Windows so I didn’t feel like uploading it again until I worked out all the bugs.
In fact quitting Blender after loading the blend with Blender.Quit() command is alot more hard to crack than the .exe file.
Wicked how do you do it?
Like this:
import Blender
That method also is very easy to crack. You can simply compile blender without script linking or you can edit the blend file in notepad.
I would enjoy finding that python script to extract the .blend from the .exe There are some older .exe’s that i would really enjoy looking at in .blend form
That method also is very easy to crack. You can simply compile blender without script linking or you can edit the blend file in notepad.
That is exactly the hard part for a none programmer person, like me
Also there is another way, something like using another blend file with script that ignores or removes the quit() blender command from the second blend. There was an explanation on some site.
But we all agree ,that for now ,your BBPlayer is the only viable way to protect our blend files.
I would enjoy finding that python script to extract the .blend from the .exe There are some older .exe’s that i would really enjoy looking at in .blend form
There ya go.
Next time plz try to search b4 posting
I know i am late, but can you please decompile something for me?