ok this is important even tho the title looks like sp@m.

(code uni=univestity (which in uk is degree level))

This will kinda dictate what im going to do this year so take it seriously!
I want to be an animator (laughs aside i’m following my dream) i’m 21 already and am in the secound year of a college course I took to get into uni (the course is multimedia).

The advantages of staying in college would be.

  1. It would keep my parents happy
  2. It would make me a better animator

The advantages of going to uni now would be.

  1. I dont like education and it means 1 year less
  2. I would feal less stupid telling people im in college again cos i got depressed for 2 years the first time around.

please help me (i’m living with my parents and they didnt take it to lightly when i sugested it (not lightly being badly)).

If you think you got what it takes to go to the uni I would doo it.
On the other hand, your basis would be a lot more solid if you finish college and get that degree.
Then later when you are in uni and things are getting heavy and youre head is filled with doubt you can say to yourself, I can do this just like I did college.
This may sound a little trivial, but I have found out that uni is pretty hard work, and you better have a good basis or else it will be even harder.

Finish college and then go to uni. That way you can own us all. If you don’t finish college then you will only own a certain amount of us. Then again what do I know.

P.S. I actually didnt laugh. Go for your dream ;)!

I would strongly suggest you complete your multimedia course first!!! then go to uni. Svalow your pride or what ever it is that makes you think you don’t need to finnish it, belive me… you will benefit more from that then going directly to uni.

The advantages of going to uni now would be.

  1. I dont like education and it means 1 year less
  2. I would feal less stupid telling people im in college again cos i got depressed for 2 years the first time around.
  1. this could mean you’ll loose more years in the future becouse you lack sertain knowlage only available in the multimedia course.
    This is exactly what happened to me, acctually I lost 12 years!!!
  2. SO WHAT! Foock em’! it’s your life and your are building your future not other peoples, right!?

Sorry if i got carried away there for a moment.

I think the answer is fairly obvious.

well i went to UNI at 18 and am doing my degree.

but in your country i think the system might be slightly different coz i went to college when i was 13 (thats how it works here)

anyway i’d do the multimedia course then go to uni, but on the other hand it is just a waste of another year of your life and more money.


I’d finish college first, for two reasons, first, you could learn a lot and it’ll make uni easier, and second, it’s probably a good idea to keep your parents happy, especially if you still live with them!

i think its probably best to stay in college for another year. the job i have at the moment sucks tho i need another one bad.

thanks for helping me decide guys :).