I have been working on a game for 6 months or so using 2.5x (now 2.59) and have an issue.
I am a linuxer, and do all my dev on a linux computer. Blender is completely stable, and will play for hours and won’t crash. (on very rare occasions is will kill X though)
So I take the exact same files, exact same build of blender and run it on windows.
Oh Heck! Now the game will start, go to the select ship scene, and then when you have selected your ship it will crash. Every time.
Going back to 2.57 it has a tad more stability (you get 2 seconds before it crashes) but wither way it is unplayable.
I do have several python scrips and am wondering if that is causing it? or maybe having too many textures? Possibly even the linked blends?
Anyone else have this problem, or know a workaround?
(if you want I’ll post the blends, but it’ll make quite a big zip file)
I actually have experienced a similar problem with working on my Windows computer and then trying the game on a Mac - it crashed Blender. I’m not sure exactly why, but I think it might have something to do with Python / adjusting UV-settings in-game… Maybe.
We had nasty problems like this in Wizzardz, except it would also crash in Linux (though much less)
It would segfault under certain conditions involving the replace mesh actuator.
As a possible workaround, try unchecking “Phys”, or use object.replaceMesh(mesh)
I also had problems using libload in overlay scenes.
In my exp. the main reason wor blender crashing on win was due to a win32sality virus. Blender wont even show up. It wont load any blends. But your crashing is quite different.
When i had neither 8400 or 9500GT the yofrankie game was impossible to play. it crahed every time. But on linux you have OpenGL mesa driver.Also OpenGL outperforms in linux. Thats why no crash on linux without any grapic cards. But when you put in a graphic card it will be more or less same, since the drviers for both linux and win are manufactured by the graphic card devolopers, not Intel devs or Ubuntu devs.
I think they’d understand the noise, I think it’s just the air temperature, 10 ° C too, have taken 5 / 6 ° C above the PC, I would say that is linear
in the coming days I will see if it goes down;)
Wow! seems quite a few of you have had this problem!
As a possible workaround, try unchecking “Phys”
I tried that and it extended the crash time by another few seconds (now 4 seconds!)
It would segfault under certain conditions involving the replace mesh actuator.
No errors given at all though, so not sure if it is that problem.
In my exp. the main reason wor blender crashing on win was due to a win32sality virus. Blender wont even show up. It wont load any blends. But your crashing is quite different.
Yup, quite different. I get it to start and read any blend, just not play this (and 5/6 other) blender games.
When i had neither 8400 or 9500GT the yofrankie game was impossible to play. it crahed every time. But on linux you have OpenGL mesa driver.Also OpenGL outperforms in linux. Thats why no crash on linux without any grapic cards. But when you put in a graphic card it will be more or less same, since the drviers for both linux and win are manufactured by the graphic card devolopers, not Intel devs or Ubuntu devs.
Interesting. I’ll try it on a bunch of different computers, but given the fact that my team members (who are windows users) also have the same problem I think that’s not it.
I must say that it is very hot (35 ° C), and this does not help … graphics card to 46 ° C (I’ve always seen at 41 ° C)…mhh…
For us here at the moment we are having a nice hot day with a maximum of 19 degrees (compared to the 7’s we had last week)
Here you all go. You can try it if you want, but you will find that it won’t run for very long.
Any resources you find in there, just let me know if you want to use them, I will almost definitely say yes.
Start it with “defender.blend” or with “main.blend”
I deleted a whole bunch of stuff to keep file size down (music and sound, and some un-used textures) I may have accidentally got something critical, so let me know if it is missing something.
I tried four different windows machines, but I couldn’t get it to crash. Tested menus, ship select, and gameplay.
Ship selector! what there is of it… Odd. I also discovered something similar: On one of my friends laptops it ran perfectly, never crashed, and yet it is still dies every time on one computer, and most times on another computer.
If you launch blender from a command prompt (navigate to your blender folder and type blender.exe), what output does it leave after blender crashes?
I will try running it from CMD today. Thanks for your help so far.
I didn’t get the chance today to run it with CMD but I just got some reports in from other people and the results are surprising.
On the one developers computer it will run for 3 or 4 seconds
On another it will run with no problems at all
And on the machine I ported it from it won’t run at all.
Looks like it might be a very specific object in your scene that’s causing this problem. See about deleting things from the ship selector screen and seeing if that fixes it.
I can not download because I’ll take 2 days,
You can look dubug property?
however, that type of crash?
in my windows7 for example a script with an infinite loop does not give error messages (just freezes everything and I have to shut down with task manager)
Instead of an overheating graphics card carries an error message (which says I have to close)
according to description (with comes after with 2.57) makes me think of a hardware overheating
No errors in CMD, just vanishes!
Seems to be that some computers do it and others don’t. I may have to make a list some time and see what % it doesn’t work on.
Oh and solarlune, I tried removing the entire ship chooser, and it still crashes after 2 or 3 seconds