Is there a way to extrude such that I can type in a specific value for D? (D being the measurement that shows up on the status bar in the 3D view when I extrude a face.
I’m trying to create a symmetrical object, and mirroring/stitching isn’t going to do it for me this time. I’d like to be able to perform the same operations on all 4 quadrants of the object to precise measurements. So far the only way I know how to extrude is via the Mesh menu in the 3D view, where you extrude interactively (and somewhat imprecisely) with the mouse.
I do see the Extrude button on the buttons window under Mesh Tools, but I haven’t figured out how to use it. It does nothing when I click it. I’ve searched the docs but I haven’t found what I’m looking for (it’s been a really bad week, so brain malfunction is a plausible explanation for this).
well what you can do is look and see how far you are moving it…it gives you the delta values in the bottom left of the 3d window, and just move each face to that distance. That’s how I’ve always done and it seems to work out fine for me.
Or you can extrude to a close approximation then draw the edge lengths (same place where you draw normals, right side of edit buttons) and just tweak it from there. Though there are still many tricks i have yet to learn about blender so it may be possible to enter in an exact value.