Extrude along normal: update: 26-01-04

I made the pettals of this ugly flower using the script. Extruded from the bottom half of a UVsphere, then subsurfed.
The pettals were the fastest thing to get in this file! :wink:

Great script tuinbels, I likes it alot!

everybody thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:
i’m glad to hear it is useful

updated the script (download in first post), you can now also specify the number of (connected) segments that are created

let me know if this is useful



hmm, tried this script in Blender 2.28c but it doesnt work, do I need to install the whole Python2.2 for my system to get it to work?

well I have that installed I see now, so what’s the issue here?

I don’t know, does it work if you go into faceselect mode (FKEY) and select some faces?

I was having trouble with it initially, but I guess i was using it wrong. When I went from face select mode into edit mode, then pressed the button it worked as I would expect. Thanks. Cool script!

I must be doing something wrong here… whenever I use the script I only seem to get a copy of the object I had selected. When I RemDoubles on it, there is usualy a large amount of doubles removed, but no extrusions…

Even when I set the segments and extrusion length to max. the same thing happens…
Is there something I’m missing?

It looks like a cool script, and it would be cool if I could get it working.



yes that worked!

Yes, and it is my fault, since I didn’t explain how the scriipt works :expressionless: :expressionless:

The way it should work:

  • Go out of edit mode
  • Enter FaceSelect Mode (FKEY)
  • Now all faces are selected (so if you press extrude, every face should be extruded)
  • To unselect the faces, press AKEY
  • Now select the face(s) that you want to extrude
  • If you now press extrude button, a new mesh is created, the selected faces are extruded and the faces that were not selected are added to the new mesh (the mesh is now black, so press FKEY again)
    (If you dont want the not-selected faces in the new mesh, unpress the Include toggle)

I hope this helps :slight_smile:


Thanks man. Awesome script, btw. I can think of several uses for this, not including making neat looking spheres that glow :wink:


Nice work! Will come in handy for some interesting effects!

Sweet :slight_smile: