Extrude along the normal

Is there any way to extrude along the Normal in Blender… the same way like wings3d.
If not, is there any tech. or approach that i can follow to achieve the same result.

[e] Extrude
Right Mouse Click

Isn’t Alt + S “Shrink/Fatten”??? I’ve never tried it…what does that do?

It scales along normals.


And scaling along normal do mean shrink/fatten :wink:


Thanx. I really appreciate your help guys. I’ve been trying to do this with a high degree of frustration.
But the question is, where those information are documented. I failed to find it even in the blender 2 guid. If u have certain resources it will be greately appreciated.

However, I am totally pleased now with the result I got from this tech.

Thank you again.

A good resource is the Blender knowledge Base by B@rt:


You’ll find this answer in the Editing section (as a comment).

A couple of other good resources are the tip pages by Carsten Wartmann and also the one by Dream Gate.



:smiley: Hay, thanx again. Well, I managed to achieve the same effect/result by pressing (E) or even (G) and then while constraining myself to the normal or near to that, I just click the MMB(Middle Mouse Button) once, I can drag along normal. :wink:

Evry wrote:

for graping and then while constraining myself to the normal or near to that, I just click the MMB(Middle Mouse Button) once, I get myself forced along normal.

A woman ran into a police station shouting ‘grape… grape’!
The cop calmed her down and asked ‘Don’t you mean rape?’
She said, ‘No. There was a whole bunch of them!’

You put an imaginative spin on the concept %|

Maybe I’ll quote you.


It spurs the question: Are grapists normal?

:o , It was a mistake anyway, and it seems that some ppl have bad thoughts!!!
it was just a matter of b and p … don’t make a whole story out of that. I wanted to help, thats all … but…
Constrain yourself man!!! 8)