I’m having problems getting extrude to work on more than one unconnected face at a time. Extrude along normals and extrude individual do the same thing - seem to extrude along the average of the normals - see example B in the pic. Should be like example A, which were done individually.
It was working correctly a couple of days ago - possibly I’ve messed up some unknown setting - blend file attached for someone to take a look-see:)
Also having some problems with getting insert to work consistently - sometimes it does, other times have to do E, S, G.Extrude.blend (641.1 KB)
Had another play with it and found that when attempting to extrude more than one face at a time, it reverts to “extrude region and move”, regardless of settings. So your solution is doubly welcome.
Not random - I uninstalled and deleted the Blender folder, downloaded and installed the very latest version today, and it behaves exactly the same - probably something on my machine!