I love this forum! I’ve found a lot of answers here. But here’s one I haven’t seen: How to extrude within the mesh? I want to extrude the vertices to continue the mesh, not separate from it. Not sure this makes sense… Hopefully the pic will help
thats a loop cut
ctrl- r should do it
Yes that is a loop cut, - but wrong hot key . Press “K” its the first on the context menu .
Ctrl-R selects a loop .
I don’t understand. if I type ctrl-r I get a loop cut. alt-rmb selects a loop. what happens when you do it?
Thanks! That’s exactly what I needed! You guys are awesome.
shr1K : sorry didn’t know that one . You’re right - plus I mis-read your post :o . I usually just use the K hot button and just realized there were hotkey combos for all the types of cuts … of course I’m too lazy for hotkey combos … also I drink when modeling so combo hot keys have gotten me into trouble in the past …